Links to local free legal services
Citizens Advice offers a self-help Advice Guide that provides lots of information on the law and rights page on civil rights, the legal system, immigration and society.
Local Citizens Advice:
WDP Dunstable provides support for people who come through the criminal justice system and are experiencing problems with drugs and/or alcohol. The service is available to individuals over 18, based in Dunstable. Near to Central Bedfordshire is the Luton Law Centre who offer an AdviceLine for initial free advice.

Free shopping vouchers for vulnerable people
8 February 2022 No Comments
AdviceCentral are hosting regular events at the Mayfield Centre every Monday at 4 Mayfield Road, Dunstable, LU5 4AP. They be free cups of tea, coffee, cappuccino and biscuits for everyone that comes along between 10am and 2pm every Monday.

Legal advice
1 January 2022 No Comments
Links to local free legal services Citizens Advice offers a self-help Advice Guide that provides lots of information on the law and rights page on civil rights, the legal system, immigration and society. Local Citizens Advice: Ampthill and District Citizens Advice Dunstable and District Citizens Advice Leighton-Linslade Citizens Advice Advice WDP Dunstable provides support for