Links to Local Help:
The Disability Resource Centre covers Central Bedfordshire, helping people with a disability, their carers and people with a long term health condition. You can contact them by telephone – 01582 470900 or email at if you would like to find out about activities happening in your community.
Age UK Bedfordshire’s goal is to enable older people across the region to love later life. Drop in, call- 01234 360 510, email or arrange a home visit for advice on many issues affecting later life. Age UK Bedfordshire also have a section on ‘News & Campaigns‘ where you can find out about news- such as if there are any courses happening or campaigns.
Central Bedfordshire Council offers information, advice and support for members of the community. They provide information on leisure services, arts services, countryside, the Leighton Buzzard Theatre and libraries. There is also a section for travel, parking and roads, which includes information on parking and public transport.
Biggleswade Community Information
The Biggleswade Town Council provide an information page on services in Biggleswade; such as advice and benefit centres, banks and building societies, car parks, nurseries and many more.
The Shefford town council website provides lots of information; including local groups within the community and information about Shefford- such as the historical walks, the Hoo Hill maze and the canal.
Community Centre
Located in the centre of Dunstable, Grove Corner is a young people’s centre, open four nights a week. It gives a chance for young people to make new friends, or bring their own friends and spend time with them in a safe environment that provides free pool, free table football, online computers, hot and cold snacks and much more.
Located at the bottom of Blows Downs in Dunstable, the Downside Neighbourhood Centre holds regular activities throughout the week for under fives and under eights during the holidays (accompanied by a responsible adult) and also provides other services including job centre plus, Bromford support (housing and debt advice), antenatal classes and many more. Telephone: 01582666403.
01525 634215. Parkside hall in Ampthill is used for regular activities– such as zumba, karate, children’s activities, singing and much more and they also have a ‘What’s on‘ page which provides information on one off events.
The website provides lots of information for residents of Houghton Regis, some of this being information on the latest news & updates, projects & opportunities, the towns magazine- The Town Crier and premises for hire.
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Information for the Leighton-Linslade community; including allotments, markets, venue hires and local clubs and groups.