Join our team of superhero volunteers
Remote volunteering and work placements
If you would like to volunteer remotely to help our charity team or as part of a work placement then we would love to hear from you. Our volunteers gain valuable experience and really enjoy helping out in many different departments including marketing, helpdesk, admin, social media and research.
We are proud to be a part of the Disability Confident scheme.
Please let us know if you would like to apply through an alternative method and tell us about any adjustments or considerations for interviews.
Please read our Volunteer Charter and Volunteer Policy.
We always encourage disabled people and people with long term health conditions to join our team of volunteers.
Please call 01582 470900 or email us to register your interest in volunteering with us and for full details.
Current volunteer roles at Advice Central and The Disability Resource Centre
We are actively seeking keen volunteers (Spring 2022), so please take a look at the role descriptions below:
Volunteer Learning Support Assistant
Equipment Area Volunteer General Assistant
+ Social media champion – Ask us for details
+ Data analyst – Ask us for details

If you are interested in volunteering for our charity then please call 01582 470900 or email us for full details.
Feel good every day
The Disability Resource Centre is a user-led charity, run by disabled people for disabled people. We provide a range of free services empowering people of all ages who are affected by disability or health conditions to fulfill their potential and aspirations. We help disabled people, carers and families across Bedfordshire and Luton.
Our services include information and advice, welfare benefits advice, specific support for carers, personalisation, direct payments services, equipment for daily living, support groups, training for personal assistants, support for employers of personal assistants, training in personal development and IT, employment courses and support for employers of disabled people.
Whether you would like to meet new people, provide support to local residents or gain valuable work experience, please contact us to talk through opportunities that are available. We will find a role that is right for you.
Why volunteer?
There are lots of benefits to volunteering, using your skills to help others or developing new ones, Do something you enjoy whilst supporting a cause you care about.
Whatever your reason, we would love to hear from you.
Gain work experience
Volunteering gives you the opportunity to develop core skills – such as working in a team, effective communication and problem solving. You can also expand your vocational skills including IT, Customer Service and Advice skills
Meet new people
Volunteering is a great way to meet people. Join our friendly team who really value the contribution you make.
Access to training
Whilst at The Disability Resource Centre you can access our training programmes as part of your induction, training package and wider work of The Disability Resource Centre. There will be plenty of opportunities to learn new things.
Develop your transferrable skills
Skills you gain in volunteering can be transferred into other situations or roles, even helping those looking for paid employment to get back to work.
Enhance your CV
Volunteering experience can demonstrate positive personal qualities such as motivation and helping others. Your CV can show what you have been doing, key skills, roles and responsibilities. Volunteering can help fill skills gaps in your CV and show what you can do.
Do something you enjoy
If there is something you enjoy doing, why not share it? Do you enjoy talking to people, researching online, designing marketing material, fixing things or helping others?
Build your confidence
Meeting new people, trying something new and entering new situations can build your confidence and self-esteem. Meeting others in similar situations and talking to people can have positive benefits.
Corporate volunteering
We appreciate all the organisations that provide staff time to come and volunteer at the Centre to make a difference to those using our services. Whether it is volunteering your areas of expertise, or doing something completely different, it is all appreciated.
We can work with you to explore opportunities that meet the needs of your organisation, its Corporate Social Responsibility and support to our service users.
Join the team
The Disability Resource Centre welcomes applications from disabled people, those with learning disabilities, carers or those with an interest in disability issues. We believe in Empowering people of all ages who are affected by disability or health conditions to fulfil their potential and aspirations.
If you would like to volunteer with us please call 01582 470900 or email us for full details.
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0300 303 6666
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Simply click the pink ‘Chat with us’ button below, open 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday

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Mondays at Mayfield in Dunstable
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