Links to local employment and job support in Central Bedfordshire:
The Disability Resource Centre offers training courses to improve confidence, gain new skills and to access support in progressing into employment.
Age UK Bedfordshire The Bromham Road office in Bedford has a trained team of staff and volunteers who can give independent advice on many topics for older people in Bedfordshire. . The Age UK website provides a page on work and learning information for people in later life; including looking for work,redundancy and external links for different classes and courses, including computer training.
Central Bedfordshire Council Providing employment advice and support to people who want to enter employment and/or seeking to improve their career.
Supported housing which was previously known as Bromford Support, this service has transitioned over to Central Bedfordshire Council and aims to support people who either have little or no experience of living independently, a history of homelessness or experiencing tenancy breakdown.
Directgov job search is a job search page where there are hundreds of job vacancies in Central Bedfordshire.
BRCC (PETE)– Voluntary Works. Helping people who have autism, a learning disability or a mental health condition to make progress towards the labour market.
Links to online tools & useful websites:
Benefits Calculator – Find out what benefits you are entitled to.
Employment Allowance Calculator – You can add a number of employees and their salaries to see the overall effect on your payroll.
Job seeker’s allowance – The government provides job seekers allowance for those who are unemployed but are looking for employment.
Citizens Advice Guide includes information on rights at work, problems at work, when work comes to an end, young people & employment and many more sections.
Acas provides information, advice, training, conciliation and other services for employers and employees to help prevent or resolve workplace problems.