Links to Local Help:
The Disability Resource Centre
Access to advice, information and support services to disabled people, those enduring long term health conditions and their carers to enable them to have choice and control over all aspects of their lives. Situated in Dunstable the service covers Central Bedfordshire and other areas. The DRC also offers equipment advice, including wheelchair hire and equipment sales. 01582 470900.
The Bromham Road office in Bedford has a trained team of staff and volunteers who can give independent advice on many areas for older people, including health. 01234 360 510, lines are open 9:30 am-4:00 pm Monday-Friday. Age UK’s national website has a section on health and well-being, with 7 sections including conditions and illnesses, healthy eating and mind and body.
Central Bedfordshire Council provide information and advice on staying fit and healthy, helping you find the support you may need and links to health related support services.
Central Bedfordshire Council Local Offer
Your guide to the support and services available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) 0-25 years.
Central Bedfordshire Lifeline Alarm Units
Lifeline is designed for anyone living in Central Bedfordshire who feels vulnerable or at risk for any reason, such as older people, people with health problems, people with disabilities or those at risk from intruders/ harassment. You can download the Lifeline leaflet here.
Carers in Bedfordshire is a registered charity which supports, family and young carers manage the mental and physical stresses arising from a caring role. They offer assistance such as practical help, advice, advocacy, support and information as well as grants, training and events.
WDP Dunstable provides support for people who come through the criminal justice system and are experiencing problems with drugs and/or alcohol. The service is available to individuals over 18 based in Dunstable.
Mind BLMK offers a range of services aimed at meeting individual needs and promoting mental health recovery, wellbeing and independence. See the links below for the groups and projects that currently run in the Central Beds area.
Leighton Buzzard
Mentoring (this project is short term goal focused one to one support)
Wellbeing for Later Life (this project works with local communities in rural areas around Central Bedfordshire to promote and sustain good mental health and wellbeing amongst people aged 55 plus)
Emergency food for people in crisis. Clicking the title link will provide more information, such as who is entitled to use the food bank. You can also search for your nearest food bank.
Amicus Trust (previously called The Bedfordshire Housing Link) provides supported accommodation for young people (16-25) and single homeless adults (26-65) in dedicated properties throughout Bedfordshire. 01234 358478.
SEPT- Clinical Care At Home, Rehabilitation and Therapy
Referral to care at home: 0845 6024064. The rehabilitation and therapy is in four parts which are intermediate care, community physiotherapy, community occupational therapy and the neuro rehabilitation team.
Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire
Provides useful links relating to health and social care for people in Central Bedfordshire. Also if you would like to complain or give feedback about health or social care services in Central Bedfordshire the Healthwatch will be your voice.
Offer information on diagnosis
Helpline: 0300 222 11 22
Please click here for Local services including local activity groups, awareness raising, carer support groups and dementia support groups.
If you have a desire to stop drinking you can email, phone or go to one of the AA meetings. The Alcoholics Anonymous website provides information including frequently asked questions and questionnaires about your drinking. There are many AA meetings in Leighton Buzzard, Ampthill, Houghton Regis, Dunstable and Flitwick.
CAN – Drugs, Alcohol, Homelessness
CAN provides a range of drug, alcohol and homelessness services throughout Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire. Call 01604 627027.
Links to Online Tools & Useful Websites:
Provides basic information about your rights to health care, the NHS complaints procedure, how much health care costs and they direct you to other specialist agencies who can provide you with help and more detailed information.
Netmums provide information to mothers on everything from advice on healthy foods, where to find playgrounds, meet other mum’s at Netmums meetups and also information on clubs and classes.
The website offers helpful written content on improving mental health for young people. If you would like to have a confidential free chat to someone the website lists organisations that you can phone up. Also, if you are a parent or carer and are worried about the mental health of a young person you can phone or email the young minds helpline for a quick response.
“If something’s troubling you, then get in touch.
We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” 08457 90 90 90
A charity preventing abuse, including sexual exploitation, and neglect of children and young people, which includes the childline helpline, advice to parents on keeping children safe and a helpline for an adult reporting a concern.
Ask Brook provides sexual health information, support and signposting for all young people under 25 anywhere in the UK.
Beat provides helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help adults and young people in the UK beat their eating disorders.
Helps veterans and their family’s access expert advice from people trained and experienced in dealing with ex-servicemen and women and their often complex mental health needs. Free phone helpline: 0800 138 1619
Talk to Frank for confidential, friendly advice on drugs. The website includes information and diagrams for emergency help, needing to report a concern or finding support near you. Talk to Frank is available on text, phone, live web chat or email.
Care and Support Jargon Buster
The Care and Support Jargon Buster provided by “think local act personal” is a plain English guide to the most commonly used social care words and phrases and what they mean.
Care Choices- Care Providers & Care Homes in Bedfordshire
A directory of care providers and care homes in Bedfordshire.
Book an appointment: 0300 300 8145
The Primrose Unit
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ
Day / time: Tuesday and Friday, 9am to 4pm
Book an appointment: 0300 300 8145
Appointments can be made by calling our dedicated referral line on 0300 300 8145 or by secure email at