Your Open Door to Advice

in Central Bedfordshire

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We are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Call us on 0300 303 6666


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Latest news

Expert help and support every Monday in Dunstable

18 February 2022 Mondays at Mayfield in Dunstable Come along to Advice Central’s Mondays at Mayfield, from 10am-2pm. Enjoy free tea and coffee and a range of support and help: Meet with the Safer Streets team on ways to keep your home and family safe Receive free lateral flow test kits from Central Bedfordshire Council’s

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Housing Benefit: Get help paying rent

Housing Benefit is a government assistance program that helps low-income households with their rent payments. If you qualify for Housing Benefit, you can receive government assistance to cover your portion of the rent. Read our guide to Housing Benefit…

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We are busy helping unpaid carers in Luton, every week

Read this small selection of the ways we’ve been recently helping carers in Luton:

We helped a carer get a wheelchair for her dad

We supported a carer to have more control over their caring role and improved communication with mental health services

We helped a carer get a repeat prescription for their cared-for person and to access a local counselling service

We supported a carer to join Yoga classes and they now also attend our weekly carers coffee morning with other local carers

We helped a carer fill in the forms to claim Attendance Allowance and Carers Allowance

We helped a carer set-up a Needs Assessment and Carers Assessment with Luton Council. This was conducted over the phone and they received the specific equipment needed for their cared-for person

We referred a carer to Total Wellbeing Luton for talking therapy. The carer was supported to start online exercise classes. We have started to call this carer every month to check how they are doing, as part of our welfare phone calls to local carers that need regular support

We helped a carer to apply for Attendance Allowance and a Blue Badge. We also supported them with a referral to Luton Council Adult Social Services to conduct a Needs Assessment

We supported a carer to create a wellbeing action plan and have now started weekly welfare calls to the carer, to check their progress and help with any issues

We referred a carer to Age Concern to organise help with house cleaning and to Morrison’s for their Doorstep Delivery service. We also supported the carer to talk to their GP about mental health issues and helped them organise a key safe to be installed and a weekly sitting service to be set-up

We helped a carer to request a risk assessment for their cared-for person and talking therapy support. We then helped them obtain a Carer’s Assessment to look at their own wellbeing needs

Free handbook and newsletters for unpaid carers in Luton

Services for unpaid carers at The Disability Resource Centre

Carers Central is a free service provided by The Disability Resource Centre funded by Luton Council in partnership with NHS Luton Clinical Commissioning Group.

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