See the (mostly) out of hours services available in Luton and nationwide:
Adult and Social Care: Out of hours support 03003 008 123
Luton Food Bank: Emergency number 01582 452356
Homelessness: Out of office hours 0800 1014 7333
Women’s Aid Refuge: Office hours -01582 391856
Luton and Dunstable A&E: 08451 270127
NHS Direct: Advice for minor illness and enquiries. 0845 4647
Highway Services: Luton Council for winter maintenance & street lighting 0844 8476648
Luton Wellbeing Services: 01582 393130
Luton Citizens Advice: 0344 245 1285
Luton Council: Out of hours: 0300 300 8089 (office hours 01582 546000)
Luton Police: For non-emergencies cal 101
Hate crime or incidents: 101, or 999 in an emergency
We are here to help unpaid carers across Luton