You can help friends and relatives with COVID-19 information that’s provided in many accessible formats.
Easy-read guide to the COVID-19 booster vaccination
This guide provided by the GOV.UK website explains all the information about COVID-19 and booster jabs in an easy to read format.
Health Education England, Knowledge and Library Services provides information about COVID-19 in many formats including:
Coronavirus Picture Vocabulary
Clear Coronavirus picture vocabulary for those who struggle with speech to communicate Coronavirus healthcare needs. Augmented and alternative communication (AAC)
Video Based Information
Fun video demonstration of how to wash your hands using music. Also how to use NHS 111.
Easy Read Format Coronavirus
Coronavirus information and resources in an easy read format.
Audio Format: Podcast and NHS Handwashing
Materials that are audio accessible though they may also have other audiences.
Information about Coronavirus using Makaton
Coronavirus information in Makaton using symbols, signs and speech.
Coronavirus Information in British Sign Language
Coronavirus information on all aspects of Coronavirus. This resource includes daily Government updates, health advice, resources from Public Health England, and NHS. Leaflets, hand washing, and length of time the virus lives on surfaces.